Bronwyn David for Como
Building Community and Connection
Turning my passion for Como and the City of South Perth into action
I have been a resident of the City of South Perth since 2012 with my husband and two teenage boys.
I’m a graduate of UWA with degrees in Law and Arts (History). A former lawyer and legal editor, I’m now self-employed and volunteer in the community.
I am active in my sons’ schools in fundraising - South Perth Primary P&C and Wesley College P&F. My current role is Co-Chair, Social and Fundraising, Wesley College Parents and Friends. I’m an organiser and a communicator.
In 2021 I organised the Friends of St-Martin-in-the-field group to save the heritage church of that name in Kensington. This included historic research, writing submissions, gathering support, speaking on the radio and presenting to Council. The church was preserved.
I’m a founding member of the South Perth Tree Canopy Advocates, a group working to protect and expand our urban tree canopy through informed discussion, engagement and advocacy. In this role I’ve met with Councillors, the local member of Parliament and Council staff, and written and distributed posters and flyers. We have persuaded the City of South Perth to increase its tree planting in 2022 and lobbied to protect landmark trees within the City.
About me
After growing up in Perth, attending local schools, I studied at UWA, graduating with degrees in Law and Arts (History). I worked as a lawyer and legal editor until I commenced self employment after my second child was born, to give me the flexibility to support my family at work and school, and get involved in the community.
In 2012 I moved to the City of South Perth, enrolling my sons in South Perth Primary School. I joined the Parents and Citizens Association at the school at the same time, and my school volunteer roles took off. I helped collect email lists so the P&F was able to communicate with families, and helped organise events and functions for students and parents. I loved designing advertising posters and helped the P&C transition to online ticketing for events.
Once my son started at Wesley College I joined the Parents and Friends Association at Wesley College. At present my role is Co-Chair, Social and Fundraising - 6 years so far! (Photo of me drawing a raffle. I do that a lot in my role!). I love to organise events that bring people together and help build a community and connect people.
In 2021 I became aware that the Heritage listed war memorial church of St-Martin-in-the-field in Kensington was under threat. I helped organise the Friends of St-Martin-in-the-field group to save the church and church hall. I researched, wrote submissions, spoke on radio and presented before Council, and the church was saved.
I’m a founding member of the South Perth Tree Canopy Advocates, established in 2022 to help preserve our green cover, so important for our health and as wildlife habitat. Green suburbs also preserve their financial value and are more economical to live in.
I have a passion for getting involved, for organising, for talking with people and sharing good ideas.
We need to work towards best outcomes for both existing residents and new residents in Como ward. We need to ensure that there are sufficient services such as:
upgrades to local schools
road planning
transport options (how great would a ferry stop be? What about insisting new unit developments have a car share scheme and /or electric charging stations)
retention (and expansion) of green space and trees; protection of the environment
sensible designs for new housing
recreational (and aquatic) facilities.
Como is evolving. Everything that's great about this area - its proximity to the city and transport, great local amenities (supermarket, shops, cinema, golf course, parks, primary school) - make it the ideal location for State Government intentions to increase the density of housing. This means the types of homes in the area have to change, and inevitably there will be more residents.
Rather than resist the change, we need to ensure it changes for the better. Increased population densities brought about by unit development are a positive. New housing gives options to a wider range of people. Retirees can downsize and stay in an area they are familiar with. Young people starting tertiary study or new careers can live close to their workplaces or places of study. More people creates more economic activity; no more empty shopfronts; more businesses means more local employment. Denser populations can also lead to greater creativity leading to innovation and economic advancement.
An effective local council should ensure that as an area evolves, the standards of living of all residents increases. My commitment to this, my independence from any influence other than being a member of the community, and my creativity will help ensure Como Ward thrives whilst it grows.
My vision for Como
Community Connections
As soon as my sons started school at South Perth Primary School 11 years ago I joined the P&F, and working with a fun and motivated committee, started my volunteering fundraising activities. I started with organizing electronic class contact lists for effective communication. As well as reproducing traditional fundraising activities (cake stalls, election day sausage sizzles, student discos) I pioneered outdoor movie nights, raffles, participation in the Angelo Street fairs, and reproducing student art to sell as cards and calendars. I introduced the use of online ticket booking for student and parent functions.
When my oldest son started at Wesley College in 2017 I joined the P&F, and in my second year was elected as Social and Fundraising Chair. Again, I commenced by replicating traditional fundraising activities, before creating some original events or simply adding original twists to functions, such as a fashion parade of 80’s ball gowns borrowed from Wesley Mums at a Mother’s Day event.
Volunteering has made me great friends and contacts throughout the community, and I hope that my activities have helped others build connections.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
This website is authorised by Bronwyn David, PO Box 8205 South Perth Angelo St WA 5161.
Website build by Guy Holmes. providing volunteer labour in accordance with Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997, Regulation 30A(5)(d).