About Me
Being self employed, I have plenty of time to devote to Council matters. I have put myself forward at this time because I am in a position to be able to contribute. My legal background provides me with the skills to understand and contribute to the business of Council. My volunteer roles and living in the area have enabled me to build strong community connections and to understand what is important in this area.
I believe an inclusive community is a strong and safe community. Connection and inclusivity are hallmarks of happy communities - improving community networks helps reduce isolation and exclusion. The City of South Perth has a role to play in facilitating these connections, through the provision of meeting spaces and places - both formal (eg libraries and meeting rooms) and informal (eg recreational spaces and activities).
I believe integrity is fundamental to public trust and confidence in representatives. Electors need to be confident that people in Council are held to the highest ethical standards. Decision making should be transparent and fair. Councillors should lead by example and demonstrate best practice standards for safe and respectful conduct in their workplace. I am an independent candidate with no Council or political affiliations. I am receiving no funding to assist me in this campaign.
The environment is not a subject that local government usually has a big input into, but the necessity of reaching net zero emissions will require all levels of government and individuals to play a part. Where the City of South Perth can have to most impact, environmentally, is by protecting mature trees on private property. This is just standard in other states - if you have a tree on your property, you are just the custodian of it, not the owner, so the community (local councils) are empowered to make decisions about it, not the landowner. Mature trees provide shade which cools homes (less energy to cool), they provide habitat for native animals and shady streets deteriorate more slowly (less resurfacing / repair needed).